COVID in Australia

As of 29 July, there have been 15,582 cases of COVID in Australia and a most upsetting toll of 176 deaths. The Australian Department of Health has just released its COVID-at-a-glance infographic, and it tells a clear picture of the impact of the pandemic on Australians factually – without any of the emotion of course.

2020 and this pandemic hurts and everything is different. All businesses are experiencing some form of impact, and individuals/families feel the effects in other ways. Across our 31 medical practices in QLD, NSW and VIC we’ve noticed a change in patient numbers and behaviour. But we’re also seeing resilience, kindness and, most importantly, the ability for people and businesses to adapt. It’s incredible what can be achieved with a positive outlook and community support. With the daily number of reported cases now surpassing that of the first wave – let’s continue supporting one another, local business and members of the community, in the hope it can get us through another tough round on the health system, societal well-being, and the economy. Stay well; we are #inthistogether

#community #healthcare #business #COVID