Telehealth consults now bulk billed

Bulk billing for all eligible GP telehealth consults

Qualitas Health general practice is now providing our GP consultations via telephone, across our 31 locations in New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria. Even more great news is that all telehealth appointments will be bulk-billed for Medicare cardholders.

We are #inthistogether and feel the shift to telehealth consultations enables us to provide high-quality healthcare to our patients in the safety of their homes. The move has come about following the recent announcement from the Australian Government to extend MBS as part of the National Health Plan and response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Our practices have had to evolve quickly to accommodate these changes and to ensure operations continue with minimal disturbances to patients. We have always been proud of how agile we are as a business. Yet in recent weeks, we have been humbled by the flexibility and professionalism our doctors, nurses, practice staff and suppliers have demonstrated in implementing the changes. We have truly transformed how health services can be delivered on the front line in a matter of weeks, and for that, we say thank you, we couldn’t have done it without all of you.

Our practices are still OPEN for face to face appointments if necessary. However, we request you to book a telehealth appointment initially.

Telehealth bookings can be made online via HotDoc or by calling the practice.